‘Synthetic Delight’ Info— If we look far enough... across the universe, we can detect the light that has been travelling since the beginning of time. A faint glow from bygone time, wrought into a lustrous jewel to wear and to delight.
The magnificence of the infinite heavens will always be fascinating to Jantje Fleischhut: overwhelmingly beautiful, irrationally ominous, forever in motion. At the core of all her artistic output is a longing for a world that is as inaccessible as it is enticing. She does not waste her time dreaming though, for meekly waiting is not in her manner: what appears to be without value can be enchanted; what does not exist, she’ll make herself. In her jewellery Fleischhut plays with existing plastic fragments and uses synthetic materials to realize components in refined colours.
Nearly all her new pieces are necklaces. Such jewels usually are pendants or a string of elements akin to the archetypical pearl necklace. During the last decades the brooch was the preferred medium for jewellery designers. It needed only minimal functional additions granting maximum artistic freedom. Fleischhut looked for a fusion of the requirements of the necklace and the expressive potential of the brooch. A spirit of freedom, ample gestures and surprising ingenuity pervade the results: welcome to Jantje Fleischhut’s universe. Ward Schrijver.